aftLC Placeholder

Primary School Physical Education Subject LeadershipLeadership Skills Foundation Level 6 Award

The Level 6 Award in Primary School Physical Education Subject Leadership is a recognised qualification that aims to develop subject leader practice in primary schools in order to improve the sustainability of high-quality physical education curriculum .

What does this qualification cover?

This qualification builds on the learning of the Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism by engaging in how to lead sustainable development within primary school physical education.

This includes understanding the roles and responsibilities of a physical education subject lead, being able to determine the quality of provision, and being able to design, lead the implementation of, review and revise a targeted strategy to develop primary school physical education and its sustainability.

Who is it suitable for?

The course is suitable for anyone who has Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Qualified Teacher Learning Skills (QTLS) accreditation.

You must also have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism.

How can I be confident of quality?

The course will be delivered by a team of tutors.

Our tutors have all had comprehensive experience in delivering high quality teacher training in University environments.

Many are nationally and internationally recognised.

One of our tutors is Ofsted qualified and another was one of the qualification authors.

The notional learning time is 20 hours.

The guided learning hours are 18 and this equates to a 2-day tutored programme.

The course programme can usually be completed over a period of 12 weeks due to the nature and scope of the assessment tasks.

Inter-sessional tasks including background reading and applied vocational learning make up the notional learning time.

Evidence of meeting each assessment criteria is required to pass the course, and this will be demonstrated through your collation of a portfolio of assessment evidence including planning documentation, evaluations and reflection as well as evidence generated by tasks during your tutor contact time.

Your portfolio of evidence can also count towards performance management and achievement of the Teachers’ Standards.

Where evidence of improved outcomes for children are used, this can also form part of contributory case studies towards effective use of the PE and Sport Premium Funding.

The Level 6 Award costs £395+vat.

This includes:

  • course planning;
  • delivery; photocopying; resources;
  • a course portfolio/learner pack;
  • assessment;
  • internal verification;
  • course administration;
  • and certification.

We will also provide you with lunch each day.

The total for the Level 5/6 qualification is £1380+vat

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    If you have any questions about our courses, location, availability or would like further information, please get in touch.