Supporting Pupils’ Wellbeing Through PESLQ Level 4 Award
This nationally recognised qualification aims to enable delegates to become specialists in supporting the emotional and social wellbeing of pupils through physical education.
What does this qualification cover?
The course covers the importance of emotional and social wellbeing to pupils’ education and wider development.
It explores the current challenges to pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing and supports you in advocating the role of physical education in promoting pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing.
You will be able to plan, implement and evaluate physical education approaches that:
- support pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing with their own practice;
- enable pupils to take care of their own emotional and social wellbeing and;
- assist colleagues to support pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing in physical education and across the school
Who is it suitable for?
The course is suitable to teachers of PE who have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) accreditation.
How can I be confident of quality?
The course will be delivered by a tutor who has completed the afPE/SLQ national induction training.
The total qualification time is 30 hours.
The guided learning hours (with a tutor) are 10 and this equates to a 2-day course programme.
A course programme is usually completed in the equivalent of a half-term. Inter-sessional tasks including background reading and applied vocational learning make up the directed study time or 20 hours.
Evidence of meeting each assessment criteria is required to pass the qualification, and this will be demonstrated through your collation of a portfolio of assessment evidence including planning documentation, evaluations and reflection as well as evidence generated by tasks during your tutor contact time.
Your portfolio can also count towards your performance management related to the Teachers’ Standards.
Where evidence of improved outcomes for children are used, this can also form part of contributory case studies towards effective use of the PE and Sport Premium Funding.
The course fee is £350+vat.
This includes:
- your registration fee of £180 which we pay to Sports Leaders Qualifications (SLQ) on your behalf;
- course planning; delivery; photocopying; resources;
- a course portfolio/learner pack;
- assessment;
- internal verification;
- course administration;
- and certification.
We will also provide you with a free lunch each day