Athletic ChallengesCitius, altius, fortius – higher, faster, stronger
The course has been developed in response to the poor teaching of athletics in the school physical education curriculum, almost always entirely focused on an event specific approach. The course focuses on the DfE (2013) National Curriculum headline learning for physical education and demonstrates an approach that can develop running, jumping and throwing skills in discreet units or as integral to most activities.
It is an approach that focuses on the processes that lead to improved learning and performances – citius, altius, fortius. A starter resource pack will be provided for all attendees to support pupil learning and progress towards higher standards.
What does this course cover?
The course will focus on the teaching of athletic challenges that promote headline learning and standards in physical education.
Ideas will incorporate key skills of running, jumping and throwing in isolation and in combination and lead on to include advanced technique.
The course will also cover how athletic challenges might be designed in the curriculum so that practice might move away from an athletic programme often always scheduled after Easter.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is suitable for any physical education teacher, teaching assistant, coach, consultant, trainer or Ofsted inspector who is working with primary or secondary schools to raise the standard of physical education and school sport for children and young people.
How can I be confident of quality?
Andrew Frapwell has been involved in developing curriculum practices nationally in England and internationally in Kosovo and Qatar. He is the author of “Assessing without Levels” (Coachwise 2015). You will engage in practical activities to encourage deep learning.
Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
The course is one full day from 9am for registration and refreshments for a 9.30am start through to 4pm.
Your needs are assessed throughout the day and responded to. There is no formal assessment required on your part. You will be provided with a colour bound course booklet and a 2GB memory stick with the PowerPoint used and numerous documents providing background reading.
You will also receive a starter resource pack for your school.
Attendance on the course costs £199.00 +vat.
This includes course administration, planning, delivery, photocopying, resources, certification, unlimited refreshments and lunch.