Safe Moving & HandlingITC Level 2 Award
Incorrect manual handling, trips and slips are the most common causes of injury at work.
This qualification will satisfy employers that their employees are sufficiently informed and trained in accordance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 2002, in correct techniques for manual handling and moving safely around the workplace.
Each workplace has its own unique risks and this qualification is suitable for all.
What does this qualification cover?
This qualification is designed to provide essential manual handling skills.
Topics include;
- roles & responsibilities,
- hazards,
- risk assessment,
- safe movement,
- manual handling,
- servicing.
Who is it suitable for?
The qualification will benefit all who need to be introduced to safe moving and handling in the workplace and those who require refresher training.
Previous experience isn’t necessary, and the prior completion of units is not required.
Candidates can enrol on this course prior to the age of 16.
How can I be confident of quality?
We use an accredited ITC tutor who delivers these courses nationally.
The learning time is 20 hours of which 10 guided learning hours are required. This gives you 2 credits.
The minimum tutor contact time is 6 hours and the minimum session time is 2 hours.
The course can be run in a day. Courses must be completed within 3 weeks of starting.
The course is assessed by observation of candidate performance and a brief Multiple-Choice Questionnaire.
The course costs £95+vat per person and this will include sandwiches and buffet lunch and unlimited tea and coffee.
It also includes your registration fee which we pay to ITC First on your behalf, planning, delivery, photocopying, resources, a course manual, assessment, internal verification, course administration and certification.