Effective Teaching and Learning for higher standards in Examination Physical Education
This course has been developed to support schools in aligning their physical education core provision with examination PE to give young people the best possible chance to achieve success in physical education.
It will address curriculum planning and sequencing of awarding organisation specification content, pedagogical approaches and assessment.
What does this course cover?
This course will cover curriculum development in terms of key stage 4 readiness and aligning KS3 and KS4 to the aims of physical education. How our existing knowledge of examination physical education can be best translated into research-informed appropriate pedagogical practice. It will cover learning per se and address the concept that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice there is! Exploring this relationship will support you in developing a more flexible approach to learning that is not confined to ‘classroom theory’ and ‘practical sports performance’. Finally, assessment in examination PE, including moderation, will be explored as an opportunity to achieve greater success.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is suitable for any secondary physical education teacher, delivering examination Physical Education in schools, including GCSE, GCE A-Level or BTEC who is keen to raise the standard of achievement in the subject.
How can I be confident of quality?
Andrew Frapwell is a registered Ofqual Physical Education subject expert who held a lead reviewer role for examination reform. He has also reported for Ofqual with review information of awarding organisation moderation processes and procedures.
The course is one full day from 9am for registration and refreshments for a 9.30am start through to 4pm.
Your needs are assessed throughout the day and responded to. There is no formal assessment required on your part. You will be provided with a colour bound course booklet and a 2GB memory stick with the PowerPoint used and numerous documents providing background reading.
Attendance on the course costs £199.00 +vat.
This includes course administration, planning, delivery, photocopying, resources, certification, unlimited refreshments and lunch.